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mScore Preview Onboarding Guide

Document Aim

This document details the steps required for a new mScore client to permit onboarding of user and calendar data.

This requires a user with Global Administrator privileges (“Admin”) on the client’s Azure Active Directory (“AAD”) service (“Tenant”) to consent to the mScore Engine (“Engine”) application accessing this data.

The outcome is mScore can process and analyse the data in order to support the client’s meeting processes.

Please email, or your mScore contact, for assistance at any stage.

Onboarding Steps

  1. Client supplies initial data to mScore for allow-listing of the Tenant and first user. This user as a Global Administrator on the client’s AAD, and will be referred to as Admin.
  2. mScore add client’s Tenant and first user to allow list.
  3. Via mScore’s web interface the Admin consents to Engine accessing the required data.

Illustrative screenshots in this document show this process for mScore’s test tenant, the admin is

Step 1: Client Supplies Initial Data to mScore

For allow-listing mScore requires:

  1. Client’s AAD Tenant ID
  2. Admin’s AAD Object Id
  3. Admin’s email address

AAD Tenant ID

Login to Azure Portal – navigate to Azure Active Directory, the value required is ‘Tenant ID’ on the Overview blade.

Tenant ID in the Azure Active Directory Overview blade

Admin’s AAD Object ID

Now navigate to the Users blade. Click on or search for the Admin’s User record.

User list in Azure Active Directory – choose the Admin who will provide consent.

The values required are the User’s ‘Object ID’ and their email address.

The Admin’s email address and Object ID.

Please pass these 3 items to your contact at mScore.

Step 2: mScore Adds Client and Admin to Allow-List

This is an internal mScore process.

Once completed, mScore will email the Admin and ask them to proceed to Step 3.

Please do not proceed to Step 3 until requested by mScore.

Step 3: Admin Consents to mScore Engine Data Access

At the Admin signs in using their AAD email and password.

Authentication is delegated to Microsoft Identity Service, mScore does not have access to Admin’s password.

Please follow the steps in the screenshots.

mScore login page at, Admin should click ‘SIGN IN’.
Admin clicks their account email.
Admin clicks ‘Accept’, this consents mScore to check the Admin’s credentials against the information supplied in Step 2. Do not tick “Consent on behalf of your organisation”.
Successful login by the Admin – there is no data at this stage.
Click “Team Report” then click the “Add Tenant” button.
Again confirm to Microsoft the account to use – this should be the same account as used for login previously.
Consent the mScore Engine app to access organisation data.
After consent, Admin is returned to the Your Meetings screen, mScore can now commence processing data.

Please also confirm to mScore by email once consent has been given.

mScore will then commence access and analysis of data.

Thank you.